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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Get In with The Inn Crowd!

We will be looking for 4 to 8 couples for each episode to stay in our Inn and the best part is that you can consider it a free 3 day vacation. Each episode will center around a different age group to go along with the Celebrity for that episode. Guests will be responsible for their own transportation to and from the Inn and be willing to sign a release for us for the show. Inn Location is a secret for right now to give the privacy to the Inn Owners. Potential Guests will be notified of total details prior to reservation.
 To apply to be on the show email us at TheInnCrowdTV@yahoo.com also follow us on Twitter and Like us on Facebook. Call our Inn Crowd Hotline at 424-777-8107 if you are or represent a Celebrity that would like to participate in our show.